Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday "Try"... Transform leftovers

    Try - when you look in your refrigerator and see leftovers you don't know what to do with or nobody wants to eat again... think... "Transformation." - what can I do with them and make it new again? When I have this problem, I usually go to "Google" and see what ideas other people have with similar food.
    Last week I had leftover homemade mango chutney that I'd made to take to a friends house and there was a lot left over. So in my search ( just searched "what to do with leftover mango chutney") I found out I could make a mango chutney cheese ball. There were many other ideas as well,  but I needed something that would take more then a teaspoon or two. I'm always looking for a idea to make my son when he comes to visit, so guess what he got? Yep, a mango chutney cheese ball! Then I froze the rest to be used at a later time.
     Or how about leftover meatloaf. You could make some mac and cheese put the extra meatloaf in it and it is now Beef A-Roni. Or then there is the tomato soup that is half left, so it is now turned into chili or add it to some spaghetti sauce. Then there is always those little bit of this and little bit of that. For me that becomes my lunch ( always love when I don't have to fix something).
     Don't let the word "leftover" scare you. If what you make doesn't work, that's okay. You may even surprise yourself and come up with a great flavor combination. Or why not let your children see what they could do with the leftovers. Don't be afraid to play with your food. A lot of great foods were created from mistakes!
      Here is a site to show some yummy food creations made out of someones mistake...

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