Thursday, July 4, 2013

See No Evil~Hear No Evil~Speak No Evil~ TASTE NO EVIL...

YES... this beautiful juicy red strawberry you see, is more then meets the eye. It is on the list of the Dirty dozen  and just because you can't SEE the pesticides, or you haven't HEAR about it, or there hasn't been people SPEAKing out about it in your community, doesn't mean what your TASTing isn't one of the highest pesticide sprayed fruits and vegetables in your grocery store or even at your local farmers market.  

I use this as an illustration to bring awareness to "eating more consciously." Just because there is not a label around what your eating, doesn't mean you assume you know what is in your food. 

We have to become advocates for our own health and those of our children. Ask questions and ask until you get a reliable answer that you feel comfortable with. Research and "google" your concerns. It can be overwhelming, but take small bites ~ like that strawberry you are getting ready to put in your fruit salad: Find out where it came from ( how far it traveled to get to the store), how was it grow (organic, sprayed), is it in season, is it GMO

When we are informed we can then make better choices about what we choose to eat. It's not about perfection, it's about progress, awareness and food investment ~ self investment

With awareness comes change ~ one food at a time, one meal at a time. We can do this!
Here are a few resources to help make the research for those strawberries a little easier:

I'm daughters idea for strawberries:
Hollowed them out and put peanut butter inside!

~ Ready to Make a Change : contact me at