Monday, May 26, 2014

Building Healthy Food Habits...

Habit - an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.

We as humans build habits. Some are better then others, but the good news is, we can change them! But what often happens when we evaluate our habits and the ones we would like to change, we try to tackle to much at one time and become overwhelmed and quit ( along with feeling like a failure). So how do we change our eating and have success? One small habit (step) at a time. Just pick ONE thing for your health you would like to do different. Here are a few ideas:
~ Eat a Fruit or Vegetable at every meal
~ Walk one day a week 
~ Replace one drink with flavored water
~ Sprinkle a little less salt and instead sprinkle an herb on your food
~ Get to bed 15-30 minutes earlier once a week
~ Plan a couple sweet treats for the week
After you have decided what it is in your life you would like to change, focus only on that one thing and see how you feel. It takes time to retrain our brain through repetitive behavior so when you feel you have established a routine that feels successful, then move on and incorporate a new habit you want to change. Or if you feel like you could handle more then one, try it and do what feels right to you and your body. Most important "be patient and kind" to yourself when your in the middle of change. We will slip and fall but that's okay. Just pick yourself up and keep going.
If you would like help evaluating where to start and what steps to take, I can assist you in your success.

and visit to see how I can help you on your way to a healthier you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday "Try"... Conscious Eating

Try and pick one meal in your day that is not distracted by, TV, cell phones, phone calls, emails, reading, or even conversations and try to consciously eat that meal. Pause ~ take a moment to really look at the colors, smell the aroma that rises up from your plate, feel the work and care that was put into preparing it ( even if it was yourself). Bring your awareness to each small bite and consciously chew and taste your food. Feel the appreciation for the abundance that this meal is on your table and take a breath before the next bite.

Just give it a "try" ~ One meal ~ one try...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday "Try"... Nurturing Yourself

Do you need permission to take a little time in your day, week or month for "nurturing yourself?" 

     Eating healthy is one component to keeping our bodies nourished, but nurturing our spirit, that part of us that feels overworked, forgotten, unappreciated, needs a little TLC as well. There are times in my life when I forget to give myself permission to do that little extra, "just for me." But when I forget, I am reminded through, something I read in a book, a friend who inspires me with her actions or words, a show I saw on TV, a recording I was listening too, a conversation with my children, music I hear, or a walk in nature. But there was a time in my life when I actually needed a friend to say "I give you permission to take care of yourself. And when you allow that time, you unknowingly offer that same gift to those around you - So if you need that permission in your life today...  
Then I'm here to give you that... Go and be nourished! 

( it doesn't have to be a weekend away ( of course that would be awesome if you can), but it's like when your trying to eat healthy - start small, pick an idea that you know can be accomplished. Here are a few of my favorites:

~Taking that extra moment in the bathroom

~Having a special treat that you wouldn't normal do ( I like to stop in our local bakery for a Gluten/Dairy free treat that I don't have to make and when it's gone it's gone and I don't have the leftovers lingering around)

~Take an epsom salt bath ( the package says only to stay in for 20 min. so you don't have to feel guilty, plus it sooths tired muscles etc), and light some candles even if it's in the middle of the day.

~ Go out in your back yard and take your shoes off and connect with mother nature.

~Make something really easy for dinner, leave the dishes until later or the next day and take the extra time to read or just relax

Find what works for you with your time and schedule, but the most important thing with whatever you choose, do it with LOVE ( and remember you have my permission)!


and visit to see how I can help you on your way to a healthier you!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday "Tip"... Cheese - Cellulose?

What to do with a block of cheese?

It's so easy to pick up that bag of shredded cheese ( I'm guilty of it too), but buying a block of cheese is cheaper per pound and healthier because the packaged cheese contains cellulose, that is used as a food stabilizer ( read more about it in the attached link). You can shred the whole block at one time and put it in a container (it will keep) and it's ready just like if you bought it pre-packaged or make cubes or cheese sticks for snacking with crackers. It's the little changes that add up to saving money and your health!

and visit to see how I can help you on your way to a healthier you!