Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Mention... Re-visit Food Traditions

          A while back I wrote a post  about making food traditions with your family ( that could be or include your cousins, nieces, nephews, sisters, friend etc.) so I thought in this New Year I would re-visit the idea. My children are getting older and sometimes what we once did is not possible anymore so we are starting to create different ones. Like my oldest son who is now married and expecting their first child, has come up the last couple years on Christmas morning and I've made us all a big breakfast. So that is fast becoming our tradition and as my granddaughter arrives I'm sure there will be more exciting and new ones that will be handed down. I've also started years ago, since my oldest son left the nest, cooking him a meal to take home on the days when he comes to visit through out the year.
          You don't have to be a person who loves to cook or even enjoys being in the kitchen. Don't let feeling like it has to be a " Martha Stewart" kind of thing hold you back.There is always "Google and Pinerest" to help with ideas and there are awesome things at the grocery store, specially shops, or even your farmers market that would work just fine. It's never to late to start and traditions are not only for the holidays. So do what makes you happy and with love and there can be no result other then it's "a good thing."

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