Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday "Try" Cacao Nibs..

Candied Cacao Nibs

In honor of Valentines day this week I thought I would try something with chocolate ( any excuse to eat chocolate is good enough for me!) Cacao nibs are a healthier option then most chocolate consumed and they offer great benefits for your body http://www.livestrong.com/article/462015-benefits-of-cocoa-nibs/. They contain, magnesium, calcium and zinc to name a few, and what better way to get these minerals then through eating chocolate. Now with that said they do have a dark chocolate bitter taste and the internet if full of great ideas to remedy that without loosing all the good qualities. I found this recipe for candied cacao nibs, and it was easy to make and great to put away for later use, like sprinkling on my coconut yogurt, or grind them up and put in a smooth or just nibble on them, which I found myself doing and put the rest away before they were all gone.

This is what they look like. They have a rough crunchy texture with somewhat of a bitter taste.

I put the sugar ( the recipe didn't specify what kind of sugar, so I used my coconut sugar to add a more brown sugar/molasses like taste). Then put on med. high heat and continued to stir.
The recipe said to wait till the sugar was dissolved to put the butter in ( I used Earth Balance instead of butter to make it dairy free) but after a few minutes I put the Earth Balance in and it did fine. It got a caramel like coating on all the cacao nibs ~ Yum! Once it was all incorporated I spread them out on parchment paper and sprinkled some salt while still hot. I love sweet and salty.

~Happy Valentines Day~

and visit http://wholefood-living.com/index.html to see how I can help you on your way to a healthier you!

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