Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Power of Suggestion...

Good and Plenty...

Someone gave me these garden grown cucumbers because they felt like the had plenty to share, and I was overjoyed! So as I was making this salad http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/rachael-ray/tomato-onion-and-cucumber-salad-recipe.html ( I left off the olive oil) I got to thinking about the power of suggestion. What if those who had a garden or even if you go to the farmers market and bought a few extra things, and gave that extra to someone you know that maybe doesn't cook much or could just use something nutritious to eat?. You never know what that might spark, through the power of suggestion.  It could inspire them to want more healthy choices, they might ask you about the food, and it doesn't need to be delivered with a speech. When something is given with love from one heart to another ~ "it's all good."
If you watch TV or read a magazine, you know the power of suggestion that lingers there. So why not try and offer a healthy suggestion and see what power it has.

and visit http://wholefood-living.com/index.html to see how I can help you on your way to a healthier you!

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