Thursday, June 20, 2013

Food Investment ~ Self Investment...

Invest : to commit something of value for future profit.

In life, we commit to saving and investing in our future. We have emergency funds for the unexpected, college funds to offer the children, vacation funds planned for quality time together, we work longer hours to provide better schools, clothes, electronics, and cars.

Our bodies need investing in too, it's "self investment." We eat three meals a day and that is at least 1,095 meals in a year, not including snacks and drinks. Do you know what is in the food you just ate today? It requires a little extra time to educate yourself on reading labels, knowing what is the better choice and listening to what our body is telling us about what we're eating.
It's an investment in your future and it even comes with benefits, like; feeling better, chaos restored in the household, stronger immune system, boosted energy, mental alertness, and possible weight loss. Sound good...

Here are a few ideas to get you started ~

~Love yourself enough to know your worth investing in!
~Start small - Big changes start with small steps. Pick one food your going to change!
~Enjoy the journey with family and friends. Plan ahead, share ideas, look for support!

* ready to invest in your health - contact me at

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